There are ample opportunities to volunteer and help out, especially during the winter time. If you are interested in a specific type of work or you just have questions, you can send a message to this address:
If you just want to stay connected and be made aware of opportunities as they arise, please sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page.
2023 Hard’ack Challenge Ski Race: February 18th
Duties include one of the following: Registration/bib pick-up, timing, bib collecting, calculating and posting results. You can also contribute post race refreshments in the form of baked goods, snacks, beverages, and we have the ability to keep things hot if you want to bring a crock pot or something.

We are using Signup to organize volunteers for this race.
Here’s how it works in 3 easy steps:
1) Click this link or the button above to see our SignUp on SignUp
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
Note: SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact and I can sign you up manually.
2023 Fall Trail Running Series: Dates TBD
Races start at 10:30 AM. Volunteers should arrive between 9:30 and 10:00. Duties include registration, timing, photography, or you can bring something for post race refreshments or the prize raffle.
Fall Trail Work
We don’t have a scheduled day for this, but if you’re interested, contact us. There is always something that can be done before the snow flies!
Winter Trail Work
Winter trail work may involve various things. We often need help shoveling snow to make the trails more durable during meltdowns. Occasionally, high winds or ice storms drop debris on the trails which needs to be cleaned up. There are potential grooming opportunities as well, but that requires a fairly significant amount of training, which we can assist with.
If you are interested in teaching youth or adults how to ski, we can assist you with helping to set up a program and promote it. The St. Albans Recreation Department has been running a youth program for a couple years, but instructors are often hard to find. There are some local school programs that may also need assistance.
If you have any fundraising ideas, please contact us. We are completely volunteer based, so we can’t necessarily run every proposed fundraiser, but if someone is interested in directing something themselves, we can offer assistance, and possibly connect you with the right people.